Saturday, February 19, 2011

Where are you, traffic?

Dear Anyone,

So, it's been quiet around the Etsy shop. I'm not going to lie, it's a little discouraging. I've got 40 items up and 1 sale. Now, I will say that I've only been at this for exactly one month and ten days but I am an incredibly impatient lady!

Sometimes it's hard to hear, "Oh your shop is so beautiful! Oh, I love all your items!" but it just seems like no one is buying at the moment. So I'm making ego-excuses for the slow sales. "Oh no, it's just that everyone is still post holiday broke!" and "My colors are really suited to spring and summer, maybe people are waiting for the jewelry to really be in season?"

Simon Cowell is chiming in too, "It's crap. It doesn't even warrant the time it would take me to mock it properly. It mocks itself with it's very existence."

I'm going to keep at it, though. I'm going to re-edit all my short and lazy descriptions and get around to making more items, and then actually posting them. I've just got to get the damn beading bug back!

I think it might all turn out alright if I just smile and wait.

So I'm going to smile, think happy thoughts and do some more stress relieving yoga.

Wish me luck!


the little miss milyssabeth

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