Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Bead Boxes....

... are taking over.

I've been ordering, shopping and ordering again for about two weeks now at an almost frantic pace. Every time I see a certain pendant or bead, I decide I have a brilliant idea for it and I MUST have it immediately. Unfortunately, I think I decide I have brilliant ideas way too often for my bank account and it's gotten a little out of control. The money is not really the issue as much as the space, though and I have no idea when it will slow or stop- I can't remember how many orders I have that are still in transit!!

I decided a few days ago that the giant red bag stuffed full of misc. beads and findings and such is not a suitable storage container for my beads. Now, I don't mean that all of my beads are in there, on top of that I have two giant 24 space boxes, one smaller 18 space box and two smaller 24 space boxes. I headed out to Walmart (please forgive me, it's close and I know it's evil but if there's anywhere that makes me feel classy, it's Walmart.) to try and find enough containers so that I can empty my giant red bag and feel organized. So, 3 more giant boxes and 1 smaller box. I get home and start organizing only to find that now I have 9 boxes of beads and I STILL have the giant red bag, it's half full. To give you a good idea on how many supplies that is, imagine the size of a four year old child standing in your living room. Now imagine that the child is made entirely of boxes with a giant red bag for a head. Got it? Well, that's about what I've got. It's bad. More boxes came yesterday and I'm starting to feel a little afraid of the mailman.

Anyway, the whole point to me sharing this pointlessness is that I am going to make a sincere vow to do something about it. I have no lack of beads or ideas, I just have a lack of focus so I need a goal.

5 items a day. That's the rule. I'll take today off because I am working the office job 12p-5p and working the cocktail waitress gig 5p-2am so I think I can take a break but after that? It's 5 a day. Or else. I need to reduce my bead stash (or reorganize it?) drastically so here we go. Let's see how this works out!!


the little miss milyssabeth

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