Wednesday, March 2, 2011


As in Dentist Day....

dun dun dun dun.....

I fell asleep on the couch last night and slept through until this morning, operating on the idea that if I don't get up and go to bed, then I won't have to wake up and get teeth pulled. Unfortunately, the whole time space continuum thing does not make allowances for couches and now I am about 3 hours away from going under the pliers.

On the bright side of life, sales picked up a little when I least expected it in the ol' Etsy Shop. It's strange how amazingly happy it makes me to get an order and be able to wrap up those items like little birthday gifts and send them happily on their way. It really isn't about money, it's this special sort of sharing. Also, it makes you feel somehow loved by the people who are ordering. It's like someone is undoing all the damage done by years of living and telling you, "I like this thing you did. And I like you. Now go be happy for 20 minutes before reality comes crashing in."

Making things that someone else will love and then selling them is a really special kind of sharing. It's a weird connection to a stranger for just a bit. Maybe I'm a little too Mr. Rodgers about it, but it's definitely a warm and fuzzy sweater kind of feeling...

So anyway, I'd better go get ready for my torture session and also take pictures of the two most recent pieces before I go so that I can attempt to post them tonight.

Wish me luck!

-the little miss milyssabeth

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